Thursday, July 2, 2009

all these things

there are so many things i love :: beautiful colors, piles of fabric, the feeling of hand stitching, spotless white kitchen counters, my stack of new pillows, and so many other things that you can fill your house with. it's easy to get caught up with all these interests; especially when reading all the wonderful design blogs with all the beautiful imagery [decor8, modish, stylefiles]. 
with this in mind i decided to stop dreaming about what our abode could be someday and started concentrating what i can do today to make it into the best cozy home. so i've been whipping up a few simple little projects to feather the nest and as i continue i'm going to take photos and post them here. our apartment that i am so thankful for is going to become a main attraction. i'm going to focus on the little things that make it ours!  i always tell my husband that i'm easy to please so i'm going to put it into action everyday and i'm going through all my little odds and ends to make the most of everything!

1 comment:

Mom said...

I am anxious about this new idea and looking forward to it daily. Glad to see you are back in the designing grove.